Thank you to everyone who has emailed me or reached out to me via Facebook to send their good wishes. Michelle and I have started a cause on Facebook to promote the Ilya Peckerman Foundation for Wegeners Disease. Please visit the page, which will soon be updated on how you can help and where exactly your dollars will be going.
Over the past few weeks, I've struggled to get out of bed, focus on work and function. I'm not the only one who has ever lost - I'm sadly not even the only one to have lost someone to Wegeners. That, of course, doesn't make me feel any better. There have been a few key things that have kept me peaceful and even brought a smile to my face:
1. my two musketeers - mom and sister - we do a good job of balancing each other out. When we sense one is down, the others go into overdrive of talking, distracting or just plain goofing around.
2. my husband - words can't even express the calming, patient force he has been. And I do so love his reminders about getting my hair done, going out of the house to work from a cafe, and shopping. The latter part has brought several key items into my life: Joie over-the-knee flat black boots ($200 on sale at, a black Herve Leger dress (also on sale $600 at ) and a magenta beaded Milly cardigan (yup, on sale $110 at Not bad for a gal that has had a serious case of shopping anxiety for nearly a year!

Before I go, I'll add how I plan to carpe diem today - remember my last post!! I'll carpe diem by working only until 5pm and devoting time to cooking - what I'm certain will become - world famous Filets de Poisson Bercy aux Champignons fait par Pamela Pekerman. How will you Carpe Diem today? Make it your mission to ask yourself that every single morning!
Have a bag-a-licious day!
Pamela Pekerman