As you know, I'm always on the hunt for new projects and opportunities and I h
ave a new one to share. Starting in December, I'll be contributing my bag-a-licious scoop to the readers of If you haven't heard of the site yet, you will soon enough. It's co-founded by Emmy Award-winning CBS journalist Tamsen Fadal and her husband dating coach/relationship expert Matt Titus. The two also have a book coming out in 2008 and a reality show about dating! Their site, SassyBean, "spills the beans" on fashion, relationships, health, careers and how to live a compete life. I'm excited to be a part of this new venture and can't wait to spill my beans. My first entry will be about candy-colored patent bags - a must-have for the holiday season. From high-priced lux to affordable fun, there will be something for every sassy girl to love. I hope you'll check it out.

Have a bag-a-licious day!
Pamela Pekerman

handbags, bags, Bag Guru, Bag Expert, Handbag Expert, Accessories Expert, Bag Trends, BagTrends, accessories, fashion, Tamsen Fadal, sassy bean, SassyBean, Pamela Pekerman

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