OK, so define reasonable? To some spending more than $50 for a handbag is unthinkable. To other's the idea of snagging a leather bag under $500 is an amazing deal. Still others - and these gals still exist - can't imagine anything more fabulous than a $7000 Hermes Birkin or a $2000 exotic tote from Nancy Gonzalez. I get all of you ladies and there really is something ideal for everyone's budget if you do your homework. As the title of this post suggests, I use the word "reasonable" with Elliott Lucca because I know how expensive leather is and how much it costs to do weaving well (think Bottega Veneta prices of $1000+) which is a signature of Elliott Lucca. Now, their bags are made in China which is unfortunate when we really need to keep manufacturing jobs in the United States. But, as someone who owns five! of Elliott Lucca handbags I can vouch for the durability of their products and the beauty of the design.
This week, I received a pre-ordered early fall 2009 Elliott Lucca drawstring bucket bag. I've been fixated on this style for about two season's and keep telling everyone (and now you all) that
drawstring is going to be the look of fall 2009 and even push into spring 2010. It's the inevitable pull towards a more casual style that we have not seen in a few seasons (but still many of us can do and will do a drawstring on a more sophisticated two-handle shoulder bag). Take a look, for example at this Valencia Draw Tote on the left from the current season - I own this one too. I'd take a picture of my own, but I let Michelle borrow it for a few weeks. It's a great example of drawstring, but on a sharp, more structured body. This bag rocks for work. The honeydew color is truly yummy.

Later on this week, I'll preview the fall/winter 2009 collection of Elliott Lucca on http://www.bagtrends.com/. I'll also do a post here on the 5 bags I loved the most and you can vote on which one I should get from the late fall/early holiday collection. Maybe I can get one for a giveaway. Stay tuned!
Here are two more Elliott Lucca drawstring bags worth lusting after:

Have a bag-a-licious day!
Pamela Pekreman
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