Two weeks ago, I had the pleasure of meeting artist Peter Tunney, who's been gracious enough to host my companies upcoming Bag Some Art presentation for LaLucca Handbags at his Manhattan gallery. If you happen to be in New York City, check out the PT Experiment Gallery. Just minutes away from Central Park and a block away from Saint Patricks Cathedral, this vibrant space houses many of Peter's bold and graphic works, including a cheerful version of an eye exam over vintage 60s wallpaper (featured at right) and his famous "Don't Panic" slogan (seen below). If you're lucky, you'll get the chance to meet Peter himself or, even better, see him in action! After our meeting, I was really honored when Peter offered me a copy of his book The Peter Tunney Experiment and signed it with a very personal message: "4 the one and only blessed Pamela Pekerman, the time is ALLways NOW". We had just discusses the passing of my father, so the message really hit the spot. Thanks Peter!
In addition to his artistic endeavors, Peter is very philanthropic and along with Maria Bello, Josh Brolin, James Franco, Jimmy Jean-Louis, Natasha Koifman, Diane Lane, Michael Stahl-David, Oliver Stone, Madeleine Stowe, Charlize Theron and Olivia Wilde sits on the advisory board for Artists for Peace and Justice. Take a look at the organization's website to see all the miracles they are doing for those in Haiti - and, yes, they were doing them before the earthquake!
Have a bag-a-licious day!
Pamela Pekerman

Peter Tunney is a New York IKON!!! Very cool of you Pamela!!!
Peter Tunney!
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