Day 1 in South Beach, Miami is going very well.
I woke up and heading to the NBC studios to shoot my Beach Bag/Swim segment for South Florida Today. This was quickly followed by a phone Q&A with Marta from They are doing a fun piece on me and Then is was back to my hotel – which is the Shelborne, located right next door to the Raleigh Hotel where all the shows are taking place. In fact, last night I saw the crew setting up the tents and the special runway over the pool. This morning my ocean-front view (which was a kind upgrade at no additional charge – so nice!) was to die for. There’s nothing better than typing as you look out onto the beach. Tonight’s activities include a Diesel fashion show, that I’m quite excited for, and the official Mercedes-Benz Swim 2009 Fashion Week Kickoff Party hosted by Diesel. There will certainly be scoop to share on the shows, the celebs, the hot bags in the crowd and more.
For now I’ll leave you with these divine pictures of the view from my room and fashion week setup. I don’t know about you, but I’m always amazing at how they set up for big productions.
Have a bag-a-licious day!
Pamela Pekerman

handbags, bags, Bag Guru, Handbag Guru, Bag Expert, Handbag Expert, Accessories Expert, Bag Trends, BagTrends, My Bag-a-licious Life, bag-a-licious, accessories, fashion, handbag trends, personal , bagistas , bagista , Pam Pekerman , Pamela Pekerman , miami, beach bags , Miami Swim Fashion Week, Mercedes Benz Swim Fashion Week, Mercedes Benz Swim Fashion Week 2009 , Miami Fashion Week, swim trends 2009 , swimwear trends 2009 , summer 2009 trends, beachwear trends 2009
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