OK, so I didn’t go live every day from Miami Fashion Week. Sorr

I’m a big fan of the clothing line – always a great source for fun prints, great dresses and bold uses of color. The swimwear was in keeping with designer, Amy Smilovic, playful and colorful spirit. Aqua, green, turquoise and yellow all melded together in paisley, swirly and candy stripe patterns. There was a water lily print grouping that and I loved, and hope to see in New York incorporated into the ready-to-wear items for Spring/Summer 2009. I also noted, as with many shows, the use of gold bangles and gold chandelier earrings. The Tibi shoes were also gold and kind-of-funky, but not my thing. Oh, and lucky for me and you there were also some cute beach bag options, which I’m sure to call in for segments and editorial work this time next year. Now, let the pictures speak for themselves.

As for what I wore that day - Hermes scarf as a top, white linen pants from H&M, Ted Rossi white python clutch, pink Ted Rossi python bangle and Ruthie Davis white pumps. This was a total mix of high and low, and mass and luxury.
Have a bag-a-licious day!
Pamela Pekerman

handbags, bags, Bag Guru, Handbag Guru, Bag Expert, Handbag Expert, Accessories Expert, Bag Trends, BagTrends, My Bag-a-licious Life, bag-a-licious, accessories, fashion, handbag trends, personal , bagistas , bagista , Pam Pekerman , Pamela Pekerman , miami, beach bags , Miami Swim Fashion Week, Mercedes Benz Swim Fashion Week, Mercedes Benz Swim Fashion Week 2009 , Miami Fashion Week, swim trends 2009 , swimwear trends 2009 , summer 2009 trends, beachwear trends 2009, Tibi beachwear trends 2009, Tibi 2009, Tibi swimwear 2009, Tibi swim fashion show spring 2009, Tibi swim 2009, tibi fashion show, Tibi dress, Amy Smilovic , Tibi, Hermes, Hermes scarf, Hermes scarf as shirt
absolutely superb...
Just perfect!
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